Monday, January 19, 2015

=_= college !!! fuck it all

............ i think im allergic to college ... really .... that or im just sick and tired of it .....

.......... I'm currently at that stage when i ask myself..... WHAT DA FU AM I DOING HERE !? ..... but i "only" have 1,5 years left ( i think ) ..... but im really starting to lose ( or already lost ) my ....will... spirit.... etc etc .

i have to say it's hard to try when u really dont feel like it or feel like you dont care X'D  and then you fail and then u just feel " fuck it all" even more and .... endless circle. 



Friday, January 16, 2015

Hit and run blog post

Slow ... i really think you should watch Kill la kill just cuz .... xD  

Fenedhis !!

god dang it sometimes i believe the teachers want us to fail the exams Q_Q  like why else would they write questions that asks for everything but nothing specifically at the same time.....

and aaaaah ok ok i should had studied more (Dirthara ma! )... but ... yeah ... ok lets not think about THAT ! 

lately i have been trying to fall asleep at an adult okay time .... ( what is that ) any way around .... 22:00 and 00:00 but as fast as my head hits the pillow i get this dragon age fanfic idea rush @_@ 
got one yesterday about my elven inquisitor and cullen ...... and i have to say sometimes i scare myself...... ANYWAY before ma falon Slow sees this can calls me a nerd .....

i think i will pop up on this blog a lot more now... even if i have da, tumblr, and other stuff to keep track on .... it feels okay to just hit and run this blog hahahahaha.... did that make any sense .....

and now some da:i music 


and i have to say the moment they sang this in the game was epic it was truly a " NOW YOU ARE OUT SHEPHERD " moment QuQ and and come on !! CULLEN'S VOICE ! god dang it ....... 
...... i need to drag someone with me into the abyss known as dragon age so i can speak elvish and qunlat with them ... i wanna learn those languages ... like hell life goal to find someone to call kadan xD or ma vhenan ..... but that will probably never happen 

gaaah abelas for another random ... thing in this blog ... but i guess Asit tal-eb.......

Thursday, January 15, 2015

warning warning dragon age fan rant

now i only have to make Slow write something so i can go on and spam about my new love DRAGON AGE  .... i mean come on !!!!!! the games are amazing XD  and god dang the characters in it ... AND IT TOOK 2 GAMES FOR THEM TO MAKE CULLEN ROMANCABLE !! AND AT LAST AND SHIT HE IS SO SWEET !!  *O* 

LOOK AT HIM !! look how the years have treated him amazingly !! i mean he was this at the start 

and now this !!!

someone better call disney cuz they have lost a prince.  ok ok so he looks better in da:i but i have to say i fell in love already att da:o cuz hell he is so sweet and his personality *P* shit it broke my heart to see him so broken when i went back to the circle ..... but i kind of liked it to cuz he said he had a crush on my warden awwwwwwww AWWWWWWWW

Slow wanted me to romance Solas 

and well he is good to .... BUT SHIT I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPEN !! i have seen his concept art and hell that hair he had *P*  shit what made them go 
" you know what lets shave this guy BALD !" 
ok ok i like Solas he is interesting and .... and ... WHY MA VEHNAN DID U DO DAT !! 
and i also felt it was time to go for a human cuz da:o was zevran and da 2 was fenris ... OH SHIT DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON FENRIS *O* 


that elf could rip out my heart any day ..... and probably would..... but really *O*.... really i have no idea why i love him so much ... all i know is that when he took my side with the mages i could not keep my eyes dry from happy tears........ QuQ TO THE END TOGETHER !!! 

ooh and can i just put it out there that default Marian Hawke is just GORGEOUS  

sometimes i stopped the game only too look at her and whisper " she so beautiful " .... and god dang it i regret that i could not make caver my friend Q_Q he end up being rival all the time buuuhuuu

and shit anders ...... at first i just wanted to hit him it was like " hey you are a mage.... am i mage you are talking to me ... we are in love right?"  <--- like whut anders !!!
and when i tried to gently ... reject him he got VERY angry ....... haaaaaaaa  but after some time i really like that templar hating mage ... and come on i could be with a mage hating ex-slave so yeah 
 have to make a playthough  there i rival romance fenris and romance and rival romance anders...... 

ooh before i forget lets talk about the amazing music 
like this song 

i know it mage pride but hey fenris theme is in there and .... well i just love it .... hihihihii

oh shit abalas ma falon i have been .... writing a lot and nothing at the same time XD perhaps i should just take my dragon age love and put it in a corner and study ... hell i really need that have exam tomorrow ....... haaaaaaa. SLOW SAVE ME !!! 

MAKER that was a long time ago

WOOOOOW the time just ..... vanish into thin air... and so did my memory of this blog.... i bet slow also forgot about it hahaha......

but i'm pretty sure we both blame the school and stuff.... i have to add dragon age on the list. LIKE OH YEAH DAT GAME IS AMAZING ! best mistake ever !!! i actually never planed to play the dragon age games but end up spending my xmas vacation on da:o and da 2 
now i have to painfully step away from dragon age inquisition cuz college Q_Q well at least i can listen to the amazing music as i "study"